HHello Happy Hedgehogs and Super Squirrels
Welcome of Forest School
Thank you to those of you that completed the Big Bird Watch, I have submitted the results to the RSPB and together we have made even more progress towards our bronze certificate. We are over halfway now so well done! Let's see if we can complete enough challenges between us this week to achieve the bronze certificate.
As we have spent the last few weeks looking at and listening to birds I thought we could move on to looking at trees as these are so important to birds for many reasons. Can you think why? Not only do they provide food sources like nuts and berries but birds also like to build their nests in trees. February to August is the time of year that birds build their nests so you could start looking out on your walks to see if you can spot any birds' nests. If you do see any, please can you send me a picture? I shall be looking out on my walks and also at forest school to see if I can spot any.
Did you know Squirrels and Hedgehogs... that squirrels actually build nests in trees? Squirrels' nests are called dreys and they look like this. They are typically built where tree branches form a fork (like a V shape)
A challenge for you squirrels (How to make a barometer). Hedgehogs, you are very welcome to try this one at home. It is a fun activity (adult support required).
I hope you have a super, duper weekend
Love from Miss Swain and Daphne
And a few other things....
A music lesson with Mrs McKee.
A singalong with Mrs McKee
Click here to go the Chester Zoo Facebook page.
Click here for the yoga video
Have a good Friday Hedgehogs!
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