Monday, May 30, 2022

Happy Holidays

 Good morning Hedgehog parents, 

Happy half term holiday! I don't know about you, but this academic year seems to be flying by. In a few weeks' time it will be the summer holidays and the children will be getting ready to move into their next school year. 

We have had a lovely week. On Monday the children all took part in an introduction to cricket session, and heard about opportunities for them to play cricket. 

For most of the week, the children took on the role of the Big Bad Wolf (from the Three Little Pigs), making ears and carrying out their day. It wasn't a good day - all three pigs got away. After half term the children will be writing diaries in role as the wolf. 

We have also, of course, been celebrating the Platinum Jubilee. From Thursday afternoon until the end of Friday, the children got involved in a range of activities:

  • creating their own Jubilee medals
  • making a crown
  • creating a commemorative Jubilee postage stamp
  • sketching some (un)official portraits of The Queen
  • plotting the route of the Jubilee relay baton on a large map
  • playing rounders
All of this ended with a lovely Jubilee street feast and games on Friday afternoon.

I am not going to set much homework this half term. Please:
  •  keep reading
  • Reception children, practice subitising to 5 and you bonds to 5
  • Year 1s, practice your bonds to 10 and counting in 2s, 5s, and 10s
  • Year 1s, also prepare for the phonics screening check:

The Phonics Screening Check
This is a compulsory test that all Year 1 children take part in at the end of the academic year. It is to test their knowledge of phonics and how well they can use phonics to decode words. The children read 40 words, 20 of which are real and 20 of which are 'alien' words. They do this on a 1:1 basis with myself, and do not know it is a 'test' - there is absolutely nothing for them to worry about! 

We have been practising at school. Year 1 parents, please help your child continue to prepare for this test by:
  • Practising the phase 3 and 5 sounds using this powerpoint, or 
  • Using these powerpoints to practise reading alien and real words
    Powerpoint 1
    Powerpoint 2
    Powerpoint 3
    Powerpoint 4
  • Asking your child to draw some aliens, then writing them alien names (using the phase 5 digraphs that we have been learning) and seeing if your child can read them

I hope you all have a good week - see you next half term!

From Mrs Simpson

Friday, May 20, 2022

Summer Week 4: incredible writing and lots of maths too.

 Hello Hedgehog Parents,

This week the children have been working incredibly hard to complete their leaflets warning
local goats to look out for trolls. They all put a lot of effort into their writing and thanks to them the local goat population should (hopefully) be safe. 

The Year 1 children have been setting themselves up as Londoners in 1666, following the Great Fire of London. The city needed rebuilding so the children, along with Year 2, have been learning about different trades and have set themselves up in their chosen trade. As they were going about their daily life they learnt that Thomas Farriner, the baker, had been
arrested and was going to be put on trial for causing The Great Fire of London. The
children began carrying out some investigations to find out whether he was, in fact, the 
main cause of the fire. We will put Thomas on trial on Tuesday and will let you know the outcome. 

The Reception children have been spending a lot of time outdoors. They are particularly
interested in plants at the moment, so they learnt about all of the different parts of a plant and what each part does. Following this, they produced some lovely drawings of plants. 

Forest School was lovely on Thursday - the weather was just right. A few children went
on a litter pick around the village and managed to find 63 pieces of litter. Some children
made some beautiful mobiles to go in trees, by tying strands of ribbon and wool to a stick. 

In other learning...


Reception children
have been revisiting number bonds to five and six. By the end of the year, the aim is for them to know bonds to five off by heart and to be able to recall them quickly. To do this we had some races: each child was presented with number cards 0 1 2 3 4 5. On 'go' they had to pair up the bonds to 5 as quickly as possible. The record was 7 seconds... you could see if your child can beat this record over the weekend. If they do, they can come and tell me their score! All you need is a phone timer and large number cards 0 to 5 (card rather than paper, which can be tricky to pick up and move quickly!)

Year 1 children finished off their unit of work on multiplication and division - at this stage, it involved lots of equal sharing and equal grouping. To practise this, you could give your child one or two of these word problems and help them to solve it using concrete objects (so where there are 3 5p coins, your child will need to find 3 groups of 5 to work it out if they are not already familiar with counting in 5s).  For an extra challenge, they could do a pictorial representation of the problem as well. 


Reception children
have continued to work on consonant blends at the start and end of words. To practice this, you could play these games:

ccvc game
cvcc game
tricker game for more confident readers

Year 1 children have continued their work on suffixes and have learnt that you can add 'er' to a verb to change it into a noun. 

help - helper
shout - shouter
dance - dancer

To practise this, write a short poem together. We wrote some about the troll. You could write some about yourself

For example:

I am a fast runner
I am a horse rider
I am a funny joker
I am a loud laugher

If you do one, please bring it in for me to read to the class!

I hope you all have a good weekend. Next week is full of interesting things, such as some cricket coaching and some Jubilee preparations!

See you soon!

From Mrs Simpson

Friday, May 13, 2022

Summer Term Week 3: A troll problem and lots of writing.

Hello Hedgehog Parents,

We've been doing a bit of work around traditional tales this half term. This week, the Year 1 children were writing their own versions of Jack and the Beanstalk. Then the children heard the story of The Three Billy Goats Gruff and started to ask questions about trolls ready to create some useful information leaflets. If you know anything useful or interesting information about trolls, please chat to your child about it this weekend!

Forest School was lovely and sunny, after a couple of rainy sort of days. The area has got a lot going on in it at the moment; the children are caring for wild flowers and new trees as well as for our newly-freed chickens. We had 15 children from Thornborough with us again this week so there was a lot of opportunity to make new friends. 

As part of their Mantle, the Year 1 children began to learn about jobs in Tudor London. They were in role as Londoners who were returning to rebuild their homes, and were tasked with deciding which trade they would have. We'll have a whole array of people in our new London, from cobblers, to carpenters, to candlemakers and wheelwrights. 

Reception children have spent a lot of time in the outdoors this week, including a trip to the park to use the play equipment there. 

In other learning:


All children did some sharing this week. To begin with, we were sharing out equally using objects. The year 1 children went on to work out some division problems using pictures, which is a bit trickier because they had to cross out the pictures, and re-draw them into the groups. 

Year 1 can practise this skill here (you can print off, or re-create these). 
Reception can practise sharing any way you like! Using real objects and people, or making a teddy bears' picnic with equal numbers of cakes, sandwiches and so on.


Reception children have been reading and spelling cvcc words - words with a consonant blend at the end such as bend, land, sand, ment, help. A good way to read these words is to read and blend the first 3 sounds, then add the final sound. For example for 'best' you would read 'bes' then add the 't'. Similarly with spelling, stretch the first three sounds out, then add the final sound (it is common to miss the third sound, writing 'bup' for 'bump' or 'hep' for 'help' so we want the children to learn to hear the first three sounds first!)

To practice this you could play a version of hangman with your child, using words such as the ones on this document. 

Year 1 children have continued to practise reading alien and real words. They have also learnt to add the suffixes -ed and-ing to a verb. 

To practise these, go on a word hunt. Using a few of your child's favourite picture books, challenge them to find words with the -ed and -ing suffix and write them down. Then for an extra challenge, find out what the root verb is. So for example, the root verb of 'helped' and 'helping' is help.

I think that's all for now! Have a good weekend and I shall see you all on Monday.

From Mrs Simpson

PS There are no photos this week due to the ipad having a funny week! They will return next week. 

Friday, May 6, 2022

Summer Term Week 2: four days of fun

 Hello Hedgehog Parents,

Our usual five-day weeks in Hedgehog class always fly by, so I'm really not sure where those four days went! It was lovely to see you all at the May Fayre on Sunday - the children did a great job of their dance and their costumes were stunning. 

In the short time we've had together this week we've been re-telling the story of Jack and the Beanstalk, caring for the guinea pigs, spending time in the sun and doing a lot of maths. 

Year 1 have continued their new Great Fire of London Mantle. At the moment we are still learning the story - the children made a representation of Pudding Lane outside in order to re-enact the key events. 

Reception spent some time planting some seeds for our green house. They'd previously did a lot of planting, but the unfortunate wind storms we had blew every single thing over! Thankfully the children were keen to do some more planting. 

We were very lucky to have some visitors at Forest School on Thursday. Mrs Davies picked up the Reception class from Thornborough School and they spent the afternoon with us. The Hedgehogs were so friendly and kind to the visitors, I was very proud of them. 

In other news:


Reception spent the week revisiting their phase 3 digraphs and taking part in some assessments. Next week, they will move on to phase 4 which involves reading and spelling consonant blends (such as fr, bl, st...).

Year 1 learnt a third way to spell 'air':  are. They've therefore learnt that the trigraphs air, ear and are can all make the 'air' sound. Here are next week's spelling challenge words! There are not many words, so I will probably give the children a couple of sentences to write with the words in, for a change. 


Reception have been learning what 'double' means and have been learning how to represent and recite doubles to double 6. To practice this you could...

1) create a butterfly paint picture - create one side with 1 to 6 spots on, fold it over and recite the double you have created. 

2) play dice doubles. Each player has two dice. On 'go' both start rolling your dice. Each time you get a double, shout it out eg 'Double 2 is 4!' and record a point. After a set time, perhaps 3 minutes, see who has the highest score. 

Year 1 have moved on from looking at equal groups and began to look at equal rows - arrays. They learnt how to decide a) how many rows they could see b) how many there were in each row and c) how many that is altogether. 

To practice this, use whatever objects you can find to make arrays. You could do this outside or inside. When you have made one, record on a piece of paper:
How many rows
How many in each row
How many altogether. 

We also learnt the 'lazy way' to write this - for example, 
3 rows
2 in each row
6 altogether

3 2s = 6

Finally, thank you for the kind comments I've had about me moving on from Whaddon. I've had a lovely ten years at our school  teaching your wonderful children and will miss you all very much. 

See you next week!

From Mrs Simpson


Dear Hedgehog Parents, It feels very strange finally to be saying goodbye to you all. Whaddon has been my second home for the past ten years...