Saturday, May 30, 2020

Monday 1st June: New Things!

Good morning Hedgehogs and a very happy Monday to you!

Today is the first New Blog. 

The plan for school today (alongside time for children to settle in, or course)  is this:

A Brand New Story: the whole school will be doing this story, either at school or at home. It's not the Fairy Tale Fixers, but Miss Cartwright and I think you'll like it. 

Click here for Chapter 1

An animal workout:

A maths game: Reception Children:

Click here for the printable game.

A maths game: Year 1 Children:

Click here for the printable game.

Some phonics flashcards (you can print some here if you want some at home: Phase 2 and 3 for Reception, Phase 3 and 5 for Year 1)

If you are learning at home, please can you complete the story episode as a must-do task (there will be four of these each week now) and aim to play the maths  game if possible.

I hope you have a good day!

from Miss Nash

Monday, May 25, 2020

Happy Half Term and look at your super work!

Good morning Hedgehogs and a very happy Half Term to you!

Usually, of course, we'd have all sorts of plans for half term, like going to see family or going on holiday. Normally, I would probably be going to Norfolk to see my family or to Devon to see Mr Simpson's family.*

Here are some Lock-down Half Term ideas for you (some more do-able than others, I'll admit):

If you would normally go to the beach:order some sand, build a sandcastle in it and listen to soothing sea sounds from Youtube.

If you would normally eat ice-cream from a van:
Have a go at making your own soft ice cream and serve it in cones (don't forget the flake)

If you would normally see your grandparents:
Get a photograph of them and a photograph of you and do some creative art work: Cut out all of the people carefully, draw a picture of where you would like to be (the beach, the forest, a restaurant...) and stick everybody on there.

If you would normally go to the swimming pool:

Practice 'swimming pose' - it is hard work but very good for you!

If you would normally go on a plane somewhere:
Use some large boxes to create your own plane. Decorate it so that it looks like a plane, give it some wings and be the pilot! Don't forget, people will need tickets and passports to get on board, and you might benefit from a map.

If you would normally climb mountains (like Miss Cartwright):
Climb up and down your stairs a LOT. 

If you would normally go out for dinner somewhere:
With your grown-ups help, have a special dinner at home. Perhaps you could all cook together and then you could be the waiter/waitresses.

If you would normally go to MK Safari (or similar):
Create your own adventure park at home; you could turn each room or each area of the garden into a different zone!


Well done for all your wonderful learning over the past five weeks. You should be very proud of yourselves! Here is some of the best from this week:

Arlo's map of dangers for Alfie

Beau's amazing sentence about Superman, complete with adjectives.

Elena's incredible map - it's nearly as big as she is!

Hattie's list, complete with alliteration. 

Hope's list for Alfie.

Isobel's pictures of Alfie and Digger.

Jack's incredibly detailed map for Alfie.

Jonny's maths.

Logan's super money work.

Nyah's wondeful map for Alfie.

Olivia made the creature (chapter 5) from play dough!

Romily has been learning about space - here is her picture. 

Sienna's list for Alfie, complete with adjectives.

William's very creative list for grandad's birthday!

Well done again, Hedgehogs! 

Please send me any work you (choose to) do for chapters 4, 5, 6, 7,8 and 9!

Love from Miss Nash

*Mr Simpson is a man who lives with me, in case you didn't know. 

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Friday and Chapters 7, 8 and 9

Well, hello, Hedgehogs. 

How does this Friday find you? 

I am definitely sleepy. I think it's because of the sun... sun makes me sleepy. 

Some Friday things, especially for you:

Thing One:
Miss Boardman has made a video for you about mindfulness, which is a good thing to do. Click here to watch it.

Thing Two:
Mrs McKee has another music lesson and singalong for you:

Reception Lesson 5
Year 1 and 2 Lesson 5
Singalong 5

Thing Three:
Here is an outdoorsy sort of activity:

Thing Four:I have Chapters 7, 8 and 9 for you of our current story. Remember, these aren't compulsory but I would love to see any Fairy Tale Fixers work you do from them.

Click here for Chapter 7

Click here for Chapter 8

Click here for Chapter 9

Important Announcement: Next week is half term!
I will publish your Marvellous Work on Monday, but no other blogs after that. Relax and catch up and rest and get outdoors Hedgehogs! You could even camp in your garden, if you have a tent and a garden and like camping.

If you want things to do, there are lots of ideas on the previous blogs and you can try to complete all nine chapters of Alfie's story. I will, of course, be checking my emails over half term - so keep in touch!

Goodbye for now, but not for long!

Love from Miss Nash

PS: Dear parents, over half term Miss Cartwright and I will send out information about how things will work from 1st June, when some children return to school. We will ensure that the work that happens at school is also set for the children in Reception and
Year 1 at home. More details to follow!

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Unexpected Chapters for Wednesday: Chapters 4, 5 and 6

Greetings my lovely Hedgehogs,

How are you all? I hope you are enjoying the sunshine as much as I am. Komet the pony has nearly lost all of his winter fur - that's how warm it's been! He also has new shoes. Do you like getting new shoes? I do, but Komet doesn't seem too bothered about his. 

Now, I realised something yesterday. Bear with me, parents.

We started a new story together on Monday, but:
a) next week is half term (catch up and rest time) and
b) after half term some of you will be back in school and we are going to start a whole new story (which children in school will be doing as well as children at home).

With that in mind, we are going to finish this story in one week! However, don't panic - chapters 4-9 will contain story-based tasks as usual but they are not compulsory. I would love to see them if you do them, and I will put extra marbles in your jar for them, but there is no deadline and you do not have to do them. 

I hope that makes sense. Here we go:

Click here for Chapter 4

Click here for Chapter 5

Click here for Chapter 6

And if you'd like something different to do:

Click here for the IKEA forts

I hope you have a good Wednesday and Thursday Hedgehogs! I'll see you here on Friday.

Love from Miss Nash

Internet SafetyParents, we (the school) have had some helpful resources sent round aimed at supporting children to be safe online. It would be good to work through some of them with your child. They can be found here: Think U Know. There is also a video on Youtube here using a story to explore internet safety.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

A new Monday and a new story: Chapters 1,2 and 3

Happy Monday to you
Happy Monday to you
Happy Monday, dear Hedgehogs,

Happy Monday to you.

Now that your voices are warmed up, we need to sing Happy Birthday to Beau and Jack. Beau turned 6 last Sunday and Jack turned 5 yesterday. Ready - 1,2,3:

Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday Beau-and-Jack
Happy birthday to you!

How was your weekend, Hedgehogs? I have been having a weekend of not-very-much. I made friends with some calves though and they were cute. 

This week's Work of Wonder can be found here.

Winston Wolf may be happy (well done), but the Fairy Tale Fixers' work, does, of course, continue...

Click here for Chapter 1

Click here for Chapter 2

Click here for Chapter 3

I hope you have a very good start to your week, Hedgehogs :0)

Love from Miss Nash

This Week's Work of Wonder

Another week over, another job well done for the Fairy Tale Fixers and a lot of other wonderful learning too.

Here are some highlights!

William's card for Winston
Sienna's Police Report
Seb's Messy Art
Romily's Solar System

Rene's Police Report
Olivia's Police Report.

Nyah's card for Winston

Logan's card for Winston
Jonny's card for Winston
Jack's Messy Art

Isobel's Paw Print Detective Work

Hope's Tower of Stones

Hattie's Messy Art

Elena's Police Report

Chloe's Police Report
Beau's Police Report

Arlo's Paw Print Detective Work

Well done Hedgehogs - keep up the marvellous work :0) 


Dear Hedgehog Parents, It feels very strange finally to be saying goodbye to you all. Whaddon has been my second home for the past ten years...