Friday, July 17, 2020

It's officially SUMMER!

To the wonderful class that is Hedgehogs.

It is the last day of term, and what a strange term it has been. It seems so long ago since we were all at school, doing normal school things. 

Since then, things have changed a lot but we have still had a lot of 
fun with learning and you have all be working hard and learning lots. 

I am very proud of you and you should be proud of yourselves too!

I hope you enjoyed the photos yesterday. I had a great time looking
through them and remembering all the good times we've had in Hedgehog Class. 

Over the summer....

1) have a lot of fun: play and walk and run and explore. 
2) do little bits of school work as often as you can (so you don't forget it!)
3) learn a new skill.
4) be kind and smile at people you meet.

Now, go and have a lovely summer holiday and I will see you in September. 

love from Miss Nash.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Thursday, the Penultimate Day: 16th July

Hello Hedgehogs, 

It's been a story-filled week! I hope you've enjoyed it. Today is a little bit different... we are going to think about our memories. 

I have collected some photos of you and I have sent a link to the email addresses of everyone still learning at home. Children at school will have the chance to look at the photos today with me. 

The photos are organised into folders:

Percy's Park Keepers: when we helped Percy the Park Keeper to establish a new woodland habitat and care for the animals there.

Bear Rescuers: when we had to travel to the Arctic to rescue a polar bear

Fairy Tale Fixers:  when the Fairy Tale Fixers began, before lockdown. You will see photos of us helping the goats to cross the river, and Jack's mum (of Jack and the Beanstalk) to get to the castle in the clouds to find Jack. 

Random fun: just a few photos from the year

... and the others are self-explanatory.

Please note: these photos are not posed! They are taken in the moment and so some may not be of the highest quality.

Spend time looking at and talking about the photos. Your child may not remember them all but that is okay! In addition, talk to your child about what they are proud of this year - what have they learnt to do that they couldn't do before? 

Then you could:

Tomorrow is FRIDAY and I will post a final blog... but for now, Hedgehogs, your work is done!

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

The Final Wednesday: 15th July

Well, hello Hedgehogs and welcome to Wednesday 15th July 2020.

Today, we have a BOOK for you. If you have the story at home use it, but if not, here it is!

Have a wonderful Wednesday and I shall see you tomorrow!

Love from Miss Nash

Monday, July 13, 2020

The Final Tuesday: 14th July

Good morning!

I hope you had a good day yesterday and have an even better one today.

Today's story is a West African tale.
This particular version is from Ghana. Click on the image to watch a video of the story being told by storyteller Janina Vigurs (

Then some (must-do) maths linked to the story:

Followed by some other optional ideas:

Have a good Tuesday Hedgehogs!

Love from Miss Nash

Sunday, July 12, 2020

The Final Monday: 13th July

Well, Hedgehogs, this is a strange end to a strange year!

First of all, golden children! 

I am sad not to be celebrating the end of the year with you all at school. However, we have some stories and fun for you this week which I hope you'll enjoy.

This week, each story will lead to a maths or literacy activity while the other suggested activities are additional ideas. There will be no maths/phonics sessions - however, I do recommend you keep up with your maths facts and phonic knowledge using the games and other ideas from previous blogs. We will be doing the same in school!

Today we have one of my favourite stories:

Then two optional activities:

Have a good Monday Hedgehogs and I will see you tomorrow!

Love from Miss Nash

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Friday 10th July

Happy Friday Hedgehogs!

I hope you've all had a wonderful and exciting week. Have a go at these fun activities below:

Music from the wonderful Mrs McKee:

Have a fantastic fun-packed weekend 
and we look forward to seeing you 
all again on Monday!

Love from Mrs Wright, Miss Boardman and all your teachers 
at Whaddon!

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Wednesday 8th July

Monday and Tuesday have been and gone. How were they for you?

For Wednesday, we have a very well-known book...

Today, instead of handwriting, please:
* practice your doubles and halves to 10 (YR) or 20 (Y1)
* play 'fastest finger' using your phase 2 and 3 sound mats

Then we have some phonics:

I Spy - au, aw and or

And finally, if you like, your daily mile! (I am going to be very impressed by anyone that has managed this so far).

See you tomorrow for a Thursday!

Love from Miss Nash

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Tuesday 7th July

Happy Tuesday Hedgehogs!

Today we have one of my favourite stories...

Followed by some handwriting:
Write your full name (first and surname).
Make sure your capital letters are tall.
Make sure the other letters in your name are formed correctly!

Then some maths:

Finally, if you want.... your daily mile!

Have a great day Hedgehogs and I will see you for a Wednesday tomorrow.

Love from Miss Nash.

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Monday 6th July

Good morning Hedgehogs and welcome to another week.

To begin with, our Golden Awards.

Now that our pirating is over, we are going to be enjoying some stories. 

Today, you are going to be the story makers!

Then, for handwriting, a sentence:
I can run and run.

1) form your letters correctly, then...
2) make sure they sit on the line, then..
3) make sure that (apart from 'I') they are as close in size as possible. 

Followed by some phonics:

For exercise, I am setting you a Daily Mile Challenge (optional, of course). If you would like to take me up on this, walk/run a mile each day this week and time yourself. Can you improve your time?

Have a good day, Hedgehogs!

From Miss Nash

Hello Thursday! It's the 9th July

Good morning one and all.

Have any of you managed the Daily Mile?

Today, we have....

Followed by some maths:

And some spelling:
Have a look at our colourful spelling lists. See how many words you can spell and then practice the ones you can't! Ideas for learning spellings went home in the Easter learning packs that were emailed to you.

YR: start with the yellow list and work your way up.
Y1: test yourselves on the yellow, orange and red list. Fill in any gaps you have! If you know these... go beyond!

Then finally, if you have any energy left today, please attempt the Daily Mile! (If any of you have indeed managed even one of the daily miles, I would love to know!

Have a good Friday and an even better weekend, Hedgehogs.

Love from Miss Nash

Thursday, July 2, 2020

The End.

Hello Hedgehogs,

Well, after five weeks of  seafaring fun, it is time for...

Well done for all of your work as Captain Greenbeard's Pirate Crew! Miss Cartwright and I have loved seeing everything you've been up to.

Here also is Mrs McKee!

Have a good weekend and I'll see you for something new on Monday.

Love from Miss Nash

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Happy Thursday: 2nd July

Good Thursday Morning Hedgehogs.

I hope you are well and enjoying the week so far. 

Before today's fun, an important note: There will be the final chapter of the story on tomorrow's blog (no particularly arduous tasks involved and it won't be compulsory!). Make sure you look out for it tomorrow!

Here is Thursday, just for you...

Have another go at the capital letters. They take practice!

Following that, we have Chapter 20...

And finally: 
An active idea for you: why not stage your very own Mini Olympics 2020? Just like you planned out on Tuesday! You could even make medals and have an award ceremony at the end. May the best person win!

Have a good Thursday. 


Dear Hedgehog Parents, It feels very strange finally to be saying goodbye to you all. Whaddon has been my second home for the past ten years...