Sunday, February 21, 2021

Welcome back! Monday 22nd February

 Dear Hedgehogs,

Welcome back to the Hedgehog Blog. I hope you all had a good half term and managed to find ways to keep busy. I mainly spent time with Sam the pony and thought about ways to keep your learning at home going. 

Hopefully (hopefully, hopefully, hopefully) we will be back in school in a couple of weeks. I decided, because of this, not to start a new story yet. Instead, your learning each day will be:

  • A video clip or a story, followed by a Super Sentence or another activity.
  • A maths or phonics lesson 
  • One more small job
Parents, please continue to send me work daily if possible, and on Tapestry if possible - but if either of those not possible, don't worry - emails are fine.  Let me know if you are unable to complete the work for whatever reason and I'll see what I can do to help.

Job 1: High Diving Giraffes

The video is here

Click here for the (optional) sports star template

Job 2: Phonics

Reception Phonics Lesson:

Click here for sounds splat. 

Year 1 Phonics Lesson:

Click here for the word search.

Job 3: Name Writing

Please practise writing your name. Reception children, choose the challenge that's right for you! Year 1 children please at least do challenges 1, 2 and 3. 

  1. Write your name, making sure the letters are formed correctly including a capital letter at the star. 
  2. If you want a trickier challenge, make sure your letters sit on the line.
  3. If you want a trickier challenge than that, make sure your tall letters are tall (including the capital letter) and your small letters are small.
  4. If you want an even trickier challenge, practise your surname too. 

Have a good Monday Hedgehogs and Hedgehog families,

from Miss Nash :0)

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Dear Hedgehog Parents, It feels very strange finally to be saying goodbye to you all. Whaddon has been my second home for the past ten years...