Hello Hedgehog Parents,
We've been doing a bit of work around traditional tales this half term. This week, the Year 1 children were writing their own versions of Jack and the Beanstalk. Then the children heard the story of The Three Billy Goats Gruff and started to ask questions about trolls ready to create some useful information leaflets. If you know anything useful or interesting information about trolls, please chat to your child about it this weekend!
Forest School was lovely and sunny, after a couple of rainy sort of days. The area has got a lot going on in it at the moment; the children are caring for wild flowers and new trees as well as for our newly-freed chickens. We had 15 children from Thornborough with us again this week so there was a lot of opportunity to make new friends.
As part of their Mantle, the Year 1 children began to learn about jobs in Tudor London. They were in role as Londoners who were returning to rebuild their homes, and were tasked with deciding which trade they would have. We'll have a whole array of people in our new London, from cobblers, to carpenters, to candlemakers and wheelwrights.
Reception children have spent a lot of time in the outdoors this week, including a trip to the park to use the play equipment there.
In other learning:
All children did some sharing this week. To begin with, we were sharing out equally using objects. The year 1 children went on to work out some division problems using pictures, which is a bit trickier because they had to cross out the pictures, and re-draw them into the groups.
Year 1 can practise this skill here (you can print off, or re-create these).
Reception can practise sharing any way you like! Using real objects and people, or making a teddy bears' picnic with equal numbers of cakes, sandwiches and so on.
Reception children have been reading and spelling cvcc words - words with a consonant blend at the end such as bend, land, sand, ment, help. A good way to read these words is to read and blend the first 3 sounds, then add the final sound. For example for 'best' you would read 'bes' then add the 't'. Similarly with spelling, stretch the first three sounds out, then add the final sound (it is common to miss the third sound, writing 'bup' for 'bump' or 'hep' for 'help' so we want the children to learn to hear the first three sounds first!)
To practice this you could play a version of hangman with your child, using words such as the ones on this document.
Year 1 children have continued to practise reading alien and real words. They have also learnt to add the suffixes -ed and-ing to a verb.
To practise these, go on a word hunt. Using a few of your child's favourite picture books, challenge them to find words with the -ed and -ing suffix and write them down. Then for an extra challenge, find out what the root verb is. So for example, the root verb of 'helped' and 'helping' is help.
I think that's all for now! Have a good weekend and I shall see you all on Monday.
From Mrs Simpson
PS There are no photos this week due to the ipad having a funny week! They will return next week.
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