Sunday, January 10, 2021

Monday 11th January

 Good morning Hedgehogs and Hedgehog parents.

I hope you have all had a good weekend. I really enjoyed seeing all of your marvellous work last week, particularly your marine biologists work! I have emailed you all about your learning and look forward to seeing what you get up to this week. 

Here is the ongoing jobs list, so you can keep track of where you are, what you've done and what you need to do next!

Here is today's learning:

Job 1: Our Mantle Story

Click here for the Year 1 writing frame

Click here for the Reception writing frame

Job 2: Phonics

Year 1 Phonics lesson:


Roll and Read

Reception Phonics lesson:

Countdown - cvc (three letter words)

Countdown - ccvc (four letter words)

Word writing sheet

Please choose page 1, 2, 3 or 4 to complete!

Job 3: Number facts and fluency


Practice counting and reading numbers to 20. Have numbers 0 to 20 on number cards. How quickly can you put them in order? Time yourself and see if you can quicker and quicker!

If numbers to 20 are a bit tricky at the moment, work on your numbers 0 to 10. 

Year 1: number bonds to 6 - choose one to do!

Tricky challenge:

Use number cards 0 to 6. Have them face up on the table. See how quickly you can match up your bonds to 6. Repeat the game, seeing if you can beat your time.

Trickier challenge

Fill in the blanks on the part/whole diagrams. 

Trickiest challenge

If you know your bonds to 6, can you work out your bonds to 60? To 600?

Have a good Monday Hedgehogs. I'll be back tomorrow for a Tuesday.

from Miss Nash   :0)

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Dear Hedgehog Parents, It feels very strange finally to be saying goodbye to you all. Whaddon has been my second home for the past ten years...