Tuesday, January 5, 2021

At home again... again.

Good morning Hedgehogs (and parents, of course)

I hope you all had a good Christmas holiday. I am once again unexpectedly sitting at home writing to you, instead of being in school teaching you. It has come as a bit of surprise to me, and I expect it has done to you too. Don't worry though, because I will be in touch on this blog every day with lots of learning for you to do.

I've had a chat to Mrs Davies and Miss Cartwright about the best way to help you all with your learning at home. We have decided that this is a good plan:

  • Each day there will be a chapter of a new mantle story for you to read and to complete the challenges. Year 1 will remember this from the spring/summer home learning (Fairy Tale Fixers followed by the pirate crew). Reception parents, it should all become clear as you read the blog - each day there will be a link to a Google slides presentation for you to read through with your child and complete the activities.

  • Each day there will be some handwriting to do or another short activity

  • On two days per week you will have a phonics lesson, like the ones you did just before Christmas when you were at home

  • On the other two days per week you will have a maths lesson, like the ones you did just before Christmas when you were at home

I am hoping this will be manageable for you all. 

I have made this ongoing document outlining what you need to please send to me each day. I'll put the link onto the blog every day! As usual, please include notes on how you got on and any areas of difficulty/problems

Parents, please email each day's work on one email to whaddonteachers@gmail.com. I will check emails each day and respond to any concerns/questions you've had, and once per week I will respond to all of the work you have sent me. Please do keep in touch - I know that learning at home is not always easy and I will do what I can to help!

Job Number 1: A Story

Today's story chapter just involves reading a wonderful book called The Storm Whale and completing the activity. Click on the front cover for the story and the activity.

Job Number 2: Phonics

Year 1 Phonics Lesson:

Reception Phonics Lesson:

Most of you will need sentence reading challenge 1
Some of you may need sentence reading challenge 2  (only if your child is super confident with challenge 1)

Job Number 3:

Please make sure you do some reading today using Rising Stars or other reading books you have!

Have a very good Wednesday Hedgehogs and parents, and I will be back tomorrow for more learning!

From Miss Nash :0)

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Dear Hedgehog Parents, It feels very strange finally to be saying goodbye to you all. Whaddon has been my second home for the past ten years...